The first time I made chicken soup in my Instant Pot electric pressure cooker, it felt like cheating. After dumping in the ingredients and going about my business for an hour and a half, I lifted the lid to delicious, sumptuous chicken soup.
This soup required so little effort it was laughable. None of the watching of a pot on a stove to make sure it didn’t boil. None of the stirring. None of the skimming of the “scum” on top. It was literally just gathering ingredients, putting them in the Instant Pot, pressing a button, and walking away. That’s what I call easy.
The results were so good — and have I mentioned easy?? — that it is my go-to method for making quick and easy chicken soup. Another reward is the bounty of broth you get from it, which can be used however you like.
My preference is to use boneless, skinless chicken thighs. I find these provide a rich and unctuous broth. If you want the thicker, more gelatinous result you get from bones, by all means, use bone-in chicken. Want the leanness of chicken breasts? Go for it.
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